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If you are a company in the agrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical or medical devices industries, we recommend ourselves as a partner for gaining worldwide approval of your substances, active agents and products.

We offer you efficient services, high flexibility, supreme quality and reliability, together with an awareness of the needs of our customers. To support your global business, we take into account the different worldwide registration requirements from the outset.

As an independent, scientific partner we support you by providing individual solutions tailored completely to your requirements. Within knoell we research, process and evaluate scientific data and cover all scientific specialties. We compile registration dossiers and submit them to national and international authorities.

The size of our company allows us to act as a full service provider and assemble a team of the required size for any project. We order laboratory services, handle project management tasks and perform study monitoring. Our structure and organization enable us to flexibly address our clients’ individual needs and respond rapidly.

Worldwide Headquarters Office:   London N14 5BP United Kingdom   Tel: 0044+(0)208 2425518
Europe Headquarters Representative Office:   Hulme, Manchester, M156TB   Tel:0044+(0)161 2328798
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